Colored Pencil Part II
A pre-requisite for the class is “Colored Pencil” with Jamie Moore. Now that you know color theory and basic techniques, let’s play with applications in portraits, landscapes, etc..
Read MoreElements of Art and Principles of Design
Line, shape, form, value, texture, color, and space are the elements of art, and they are the language that artist, critics, historians, and collectors use to discuss art. Pattern, rhythm, contrast, emphasis, movement, balance, and unity are the principles of design, and they are universal terms for anyone doing creative work. Join us in an exploration…
Read MoreIntroduction to Pastels
Dry Pastels are remarkably versatile – perfect for creating gorgeous, fine works of art. Get hands-on instruction and answers to your questions about this under-appreciated medium. In this class, students will be introduced to different papers, brands, and techniques for successfully using dry pastels. We will create colorful artworks based on a beach scene selected…
Read MoreDrawing I: Drawing Using the Right Side of the Brain
This class is an introduction to the right brain drawing techniques developed by acclaimed art teacher and author, Betty Edwards. It is a very fast and proven method for learning how to draw. Students will learn the basic skills of realistic drawing which will enable them to draw anything they see.
Read MoreCharcoal Portraits
Create this loose realistic portrait using a variety of charcoal pencils and soft charcoal. This portrait will start with a loose drawing using soft charcoal. Then the process begins – smudging, erasing, adding more until we have the correct values and the image.
Read MoreDrawing From Nature
Prerequisites for this class “Beginner Drawing” and “Drawing Next Steps” or basic drawing skills including contour drawing, proposition, and shading. Learn how to draw flowers and plants, birds, and animals in a relaxed positive environment. We will use photos (provided). We will learn how to use a grid in addition to drawing by eye.
Read MorePerspective for Artists
Students will learn the basics of Linear Perspective and Atmospheric Perspective, which includes the way color, and focus, help to create a sense of perspective. Students will see demos and have an opportunity to practice the demonstrated skills. Barry will work with each student individually and meet them at their current skill level. This class pairs…
Read MoreBasic Drawing
Explore the basic fundamentals of drawing: contour line, composition, perspective and shading. Drawing is the foundation, the “bare bones” upon which the artist bases all other elements of art. Discover the artist within you that is simply waiting to be unleashed in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.
Read MoreLife Drawing Workshop
For the serious artist and student. The workshop uses a life model to demonstrate the proportions, structure, dynamics and expressive potential of the human figure. We will address the basics of drawing the head and torso in nude and draped poses. The class includes lecture and demo, several one-minute gesture drawings and ten to twenty…
Read MoreIntermediate Portraiture: Three-Quarter View
Prerequisite for this class is “Portraiture for Beginners” or a good foundation in the ability to get a likeness, good proportions, and skill in drawing facial features. In Intermediate Portraiture, we will continue to work on those items in addition to learning how to capture expression. The three-quarter view will be practiced.
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