Making a Mosaic Shoe

Class Information

This class is an intermediate class intended for those who have completed at least one and preferably two mosaic classes and who possess skills in the use of wheeled nippers; cutting, shaping and adhering mosaics tiles to a substrate; familiarity and experience with different adhesives used in mosaics; and grouting a mosaic.  This is not a beginner’s mosaic class.  You must have the permission of the instructor to register for this class.

This class will enhance the student’s mosaic skills and knowledge through the creation of a mosaic shoe which will include instruction in how to prepare a shoe or boot for application of a mosaic design onto the shoe surface; use of materials for structural support of the shoe substrate; use of appropriate adhesives for creating a mosaic shoe or boot; and how to create a mosaic on a curved surface.

Supply List

Cost of supplies included in the registration fee.

Additional Information

Class Number:


Day of Week:



April 1 - May 6


10:00 AM - 12:30 PM


Skill Level:


Class Type:

Member Fee:


Non-Member Fee:
