Colored Pencil Part II
A pre-requisite for the class is “Colored Pencil” with Jamie Moore. Now that you know color theory and basic techniques, let’s play with applications in portraits, landscapes, etc..
Read MoreMaking a Mosaic Shoe
This class is an intermediate class intended for those who have completed at least one and preferably two mosaic classes and who possess skills in the use of wheeled nippers; cutting, shaping and adhering mosaics tiles to a substrate; familiarity and experience with different adhesives used in mosaics; and grouting a mosaic. This is not…
Read MoreElements of Art and Principles of Design
Line, shape, form, value, texture, color, and space are the elements of art, and they are the language that artist, critics, historians, and collectors use to discuss art. Pattern, rhythm, contrast, emphasis, movement, balance, and unity are the principles of design, and they are universal terms for anyone doing creative work. Join us in an exploration…
Read MoreDrawing I: Drawing Using the Right Side of the Brain
This class is an introduction to the right brain drawing techniques developed by acclaimed art teacher and author, Betty Edwards. It is a very fast and proven method for learning how to draw. Students will learn the basic skills of realistic drawing which will enable them to draw anything they see.
Read MoreBeginner Quilling
Quilling is an art form that uses strips of paper that are rolled, shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. In this class we will start with basic shapes and techniques.
Read MoreArt Journaling
Going beyond words — art journaling can document your days, release stress, promote healing, and allow free creative expression. Experience the joy of jumpstarting your very own art journal by exploring color and learning simple techniques to create from the heart without critical thinking. Learn how taking time to express yourself will guide you in…
Read MoreFinding the Poem Inside of You
Students will learn how poets use words and rhythms to channel their emotions into poems that connect and resonate with readers. With the help of techniques and exercises to stimulate their creativity, students will write their own poems and leave with a glossary and copies of poems we use as examples. For beginners and anyone…
Read MoreWatercolor, Pen & Ink
Creating paintings with both ink and watercolor is a popular technique which can yield beautiful and expressive results. By using pen and ink, and watercolor in the same artwork, you can combine the loose fluidity of watercolor with the precise line work of ink. Students will enjoy learning how to combine watercolor painting with pen…
Read MorePainting in Reverse on Glass
This workshop will teach how to paint-in-reverse on glass. Painting in reverse on glass is a very old, little known technique. It is an art form consisting of applying paint to a piece of glass and then viewing the image by turning the glass over and looking through the glass at the image. You will be able…
Read MoreBlooming Florals Necklace in Polymer Clay
Polymer clay is an extremely versatile man-made art clay that is oven cured to a durable finish. The millefiori technique provides artists with opportunities to create multicolored canes from a selection of several color palettes to create petal and leaf canes. These canes will be used to construct floral designs for a unique, lightweight, necklace.…
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