Colored Pencil Part II

A pre-requisite for the class is “Colored Pencil” with Jamie Moore.  Now that you know color theory and basic techniques, let’s play with applications in portraits, landscapes, etc..

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Elements of Art and Principles of Design

Line, shape, form, value, texture, color, and space are the elements of art, and they are the language that artist, critics, historians, and collectors use to discuss art.  Pattern, rhythm, contrast, emphasis, movement, balance, and unity are the principles of design, and they are universal terms for anyone doing creative work.  Join us in an exploration…

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Drawing I: Drawing Using the Right Side of the Brain

This class is an introduction to the right brain drawing techniques developed by acclaimed art teacher and author, Betty Edwards. It is a very fast and proven method for learning how to draw. Students will learn the basic skills of realistic drawing which will enable them to draw anything they see.

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