More Inspiring Artists

Create a work of art inspired by a famous artist!  Each day a new artist will be introduced.  The little Picassos will make their own inspired artwork by that day’s artist.  We will use different mediums to create paintings and sculptures.  In this camp we will explore Matisse, Haring, Kusama, Picasso and Warhol.

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Still Life Art

Little artists will be painting and drawing using a variety of still life displays each day in our studio.  Exploring realistic and abstract art using different tools and techniques. 

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The Wonder of Color

Kids naturally love to explore color mixing.  Using primary colors, young artists will paint, construct, and create works of art by mixing these basic colors.   

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Inspiring Artists

Create a work of art inspired by a famous artist!  Each day a new artist will be introduced.  The little Picassos will make their own inspired artwork by that day’s artist.  We will use different mediums to create paintings and sculptures.  

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Garden Art

Sketching, drawing, painting, and journaling, young artists will draw inspiration from the beautiful gardens of the Rehoboth Art League.  Young naturalists will enjoy creating art with and learning about plants, flowers, rocks, and bugs. 

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